Monday, 8 March 2021

International Women's Day 2021

I was tagged in few posts for women's day. I'm attaching those below and also my view on women's day 😊

Tag 1 - Thanks for the tag Vaidehi Sivaraman 😊

More power to every woman who loves to cook. But what about the ones who feel more at home at a place other than the kitchen? 

These women should have the option of leaving the cooking to appliances. Because, the kitchen is a place for gadgets. #AWomansPlace is wherever she wants it to be. To me #awomansplace  is where she believes in herself, makes decisions and brings a change for herself and others 💜

If you feel the same way, please share a video or photo with a placard completing the sentence. 

#AWomansPlace is…….. 

Nominating friends who have carved a place for themselves outside the kitchen. ( I nominated few friends on my insta and FB friends list here)

#womensday #internationalwomensday #womensday2021 #awomansplace #womenpower #womanpower

Tag 2 : Thanks for the tag Amala Rani 😊


I #ChooseToChallenge with the Fitness Journey for this Women’s Day 2021 

I Choose to CHALLENGE,Not only On this Day but EVERYDAY .


My Views now 💜

I have crossed many women in my life and my favourite/role models would be my mom, sister, in laws and cousins because i have lived with them, seen their struggles, the way they handle situations, rise again and get back more stronger 🤰🏻🤱🏻

I do have role models outside my family -  my friends and public figures 👭🏻

When people ask me is it right to celebrate a single day for a women? First of all there is no right or no wrong in the world. It all depends on the situation and perception. For me yes everyday is an awesome day to celebrate, and there is no wrong in celebrating a single day with extra special effects ❤️

One point every women has to remember every single day is she is worth more than anything in the world. It doesn't mean we should put down the opposite gender. We have our own uniqueness, our own strength, our own ambition, our own dream. Always chase it and you will find the real happiness and peace.

Couldn't understand what i mean?  I'll post a situation here, see if you can relate to it.

I visited a friend's place long back. She is a happy homemaker. After a long talk and our chats she said she is very happy being at home taking care of kids and family. I'm really happy to hear that my friend is living a happy and contented life. But something was hindering me when i was travelling back home, is she really who she was? whom i have been friend during school days? Who had so much of dreams, passion, ambition and potential?

Sometimes we women fall prey to praises. When a family member says that we cook and maintain our home clean. We think that we are born for that. No, think about the ambition you had, the dreams you dreamt, the struggles you faced to choose a path.

We women are multitaskers by nature. We can do many jobs perfectly but at the end what you desire inside is all matters.

Happy Women's day everyday 😍

With Love
Aarthy ❤️

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